Thursday, January 29, 2009

Something That Went From Bad To Good!!!!!!!!!!

Something that went bad that turn out to be good was when I jump off of a UPS truck ans sprained my elbow. One day me and cousins was coming home from school when we seen a UPS and decided to get on the back it and ride to the corner. So my cousins got on first then told me to get on. By me being scared I hesitated and it pulled off. Then I chase it down and while it was moving and jump on it. While we was riding got so scared I caught the butterflies and jump off. As I'm jumping off I take one step off then another. By me being so long and the truck moving a little slow when I fell I hit my elbow on the ground. Days after that I could not move my right elbow so as I'm playing ball in my 8th grade gym class I learned how to make a L shape form as I shoot.

1 comment:

Dat Man frum da South said...

This was crazii. What wuz u thinkin?