Monday, January 5, 2009

Over My Winter Break!!!!!

My winter break was interesting.First all of friday the day before break Hirsch hosted a basketball game against Bowen, we lost by 12 though. The next day saturday the Huskies travel to Dekalb, Illinois to play in a holiday tournament. We played Rockford Jefferson and lost by 23. Also the following Monday we played Wilmington. Then that next saturday we went back to play Rockford East and to stay over night. The next game was our last we played Belvidere. Overall my trip was fun, we really enjoy the experience. Also when new years came around and I just spent time with my sisters and family. I didnt have no new years resolution because I felt it was no need too. I should still though make one because its still early in the year. This is how I spent my holidays.

1 comment:

she lil gucci said...

that's good that you have that type of attitude because even though yall lost you kept a positive attittude .