Thursday, December 18, 2008

What I Like To Do In My Free Time!!!!!!!

What I like I mean love to do in my free time is play baketball. I think I don't have no free time because I'm always busy playing basketball. In my other free time like to eat pizza and drink kool-aid. I also like to get on the computer and look @ or even look @ diferent schools basketball teams to see who is good. Most of the time when I'm @ home I am sleep. I have to try to get some rest because I be tired from hoopin all day. The average person would have other things to do besides play ball but not me. I'm trying to get a scholarship to a college for playing ball. So what ever it is that I have to do to get it I'm going to do it.

1 comment:

she lil gucci said...

i ilke to eat alot on my free time too but pizza n kool-aid do not go together naw im just playing